November 14, 2000
Rosslyn, VA
In-Q-Tel, the independent technology development arm of the Central Intelligence Agency, will host demonstrations of the Open GIS Consortium's new test bed designed to accelerate the development of web mapping and geospatial fusion services for commercial markets. The demonstrations will take place November 16, 2000, at In-Q-Tel's headquarters, in Rosslyn, Virginia.
This test bed is the first major step in developing interfaces that are designed to communicate between components that fuse data with web-based map delivery.
OGC is a non-profit Wayland, Mass.-based organization that promotes the use of open software interfaces in the development of location-based and geospatial technologies. These interfaces enable established and emerging technologies to communicate with each other and will expand markets for location-based services.
For more information on the GFS test bed, please see the press release issued by OGC calling for participation in the test bed at